Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Truth Will Set You Free certainly could have gone better as far as reaching my goals go.

First, we'll call the getting out of bed by 7AM goal attained, even though I actually got out at 7:10. I was awake before 7. BUT, to be totally honest, if my Grandson had not been here and awake at that time, I probably would have gone back to sleep. Hey....I'm all about being honest! :-)

Now, to the rest of the goals. I didn't have to exercise today, so the fact that I didn't is okay. I drank more than one diet soda. In fact, I drank about 4 Diet Mountain Dews (how late you reckon I'll be up tonight because of that?!), I didn't have fruit or veggies at supper, although I did have them at breakfast and lunch (so I guess that's a partial success). I TOTALLY failed at the water thing (can you say NONE?!). And darn, I just realized I haven't taken any of my supplements yet, but I'm about to go take them, so we'll call that a success.

Now that I've confessed today's shortcomings, I have no guilt, my attitude is great, and I look forward to a successful tomorrow!

Good luck on setting and achieving your goals this week!!

Until tomorrow.....

Saturday, July 28, 2012

My Goals for the Week

Today's Goals:
out of bed by 7 (done, actually got up at out!)
exercise: ride bike to gym (it's only half a mile), stretch, walk/run routine, ride bike home, stretch
diet sodas limited to 2
4 glasses of 'actual' water (doesn't include diet drinks 'made' with water)
include fruit or veggie with each meal
take dietary supplements (fish oil, multivitamin, calcium with vitamin D)

Weekly Goals (Starts Sunday):
out of bed by 7 each day
exercise: at least 5 days of cardio (3 to be walk/run routine, 2 to be 'other' ), at least 2 days of strength training
diet sodas limited to 2 each day
4 glasses of 'actual' water each day (doesn't include diet drinks 'made' with water)
include fruit or veggie with each meal, each day
take dietary supplements each day (fish oil, multivitamin, calcium with vitamin D)

The great thing about consistently setting and accomplishing these types of goals is that weight loss and better health will follow. You don't even have to focus on that; it just happens along the way!!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Chill Time

I don't have anything in particular to write about today. It's been a pretty good day. I ran some errands, had lunch with friends, bought new shoes, so....pretty good. I didn't exercise today, and my eating could have been better. ;-)

It's funny how even though I'm retired, Friday nights still seem special in that they just seem like the time to sit back, relax, and regroup. My thoughts as I'm about to go chill in front of the TV are that tomorrow morning the first thing I'm going to do is set some goals for the next few days. The first goal will be......ta set goals!!! I'll work on the others (and post them to my blog) tomorrow morning. :-)

As for's chill time!

Good nite!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

celebrity blog from

I italacized and bolded in red my favorite tip in the article. I hope you enjoy the article.


Harley Pasternak: The Only Tools You Need to Meet Your Fitness Goals

Wednesday July 25, 2012 12:00 PM EDT

Harley Pasternak: The Only Tools You Need to Meet Your Fitness Goals
Harley Pasternak
Courtesy Harley Pasternak

Too many health club memberships have been purchased and never used. Too many pieces of home exercise equipment become sale items at springtime garage sales, and state of the art running shoes often lay dormant in the dark corners of a closet!

The key to achieving a healthy, fit-looking body is consistency.

So how do we keep it going? How do we keep motivated and focused so we don't befall the fate of the hare who explodes out of the gate only to fizzle and never finish the race?

We follow the lead of the tortoise! Slow, steady, and consistent.

There are a few tools I tell my online clients to use so their road to fitness is enjoyable and endless.
Keep your goals realistic
If I had a penny for every time I hear a new client ask me how they can look like Megan Fox or Katy Perry, well, I'd have a lot of pennies.

Its important you keep your goals realistic, not empirical – they shouldn’t be based on numbers like weight or inches, but tied to a process (as in, doing all of your workouts each week, eating five small meals a day, or not cheating on your diet).

Change it up

Not only do our brains get bored with doing the same things over and over, our bodies do too!

If you want to keep changing your body, your program must keep changing. This may include changing the variables of training, like the choice and combination of exercises, number of sets, reps, resistance, and cadence.

Other factors you can manipulate include the time of day you exercise, location, and the music you exercise to. Try mixing up some different types of exercise, like Pilates, yoga, swimming, or a fun sport to keep your body guessing.

Use a structured program

The No. 1 reason people exercise is to look better – and quickly and safely as possible. In order to achieve this, an efficient, scientific plan is key. The plan should include a combination of cardio (meaning, get your heart rate up for a while) and resistance (i.e., work your muscles) training.

A predetermined set of days of the week, with specific body parts to be worked each of these days, and specific exercises that target each of these body parts should be planned. Further, there should be a specific number of reps, sets, and resistance for each of the exercises.

Pick up a workout DVD, book, app or join a web club (try mine: that will give you the right structured program for your body and your goals.

Keep a log

How do we know where we are going if we don’t know where we've been?

A simple log should contain everything from days, exercises, sets, reps, and resistance.

These days, there are countless apps and websites that will help you keep track. For the rest of you, a good old paper and pen will work just as well!

Studies show that keeping a diet/fitness log can increase your weight loss success by more than 50%!

Minimize your time in the gym!

You may be wondering why I, of all people, want you to workout less?

Well, the truth is, most of us are too sedentary all day, then we spend hours in the gym trying to compensate for the hours we spent inactive in front of our computers.

There are more gyms in the US than any country in the world. Coincidentally, there are more overweight people in the U.S. than any country in the world!

Try picking up a pedometer (you've heard me say this before) so you can monitor how active (or inactive!) you are outside of the gym. Then add a 10-20 minutes a day of resistance training to supplement your 10,000 steps.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Do You REALLY Want That?

I was talking to someone today (who I am very proud of) who has not drank alcohol in over 2 years, and has not smoked a cigarette in over a year and a half. This person has done both of these things since he was a teenager and no one believed he would ever not do them. It's not that people meant to have little to no faith he would give them up, or that they did not hope he would, but after so many years of his abuse of them, you just tried to be...well... realistic. But, never say never; look at him now!!!

During our conversation, the length of time that it has been since he stopped drinking and smoking came up. He told me something very interesting and I just knew I had to share it. He said that when he was considering giving up his habits he asked his Dr if there was something he could give him that would help him do that (a patch, a pill, etc). His Dr asked him, "do you really want to stop doing those things?". His answer of course was yes. The Dr then promptly told him that if he really wanted to stop, then he didn't need any help (patches, pills) to do it. If he wanted it bad enough, HE would do it! Well, I must say...that didn't set well with the patient!! He went home and fumed over what the Dr had told him. I don't remember if he said or not, but knowing him, he likely had a few choice words for the Dr before he left his office! Anyway, after fuming for awhile, he gave some serious thought as to why the Dr would say that to him. Surprisingly (to me, and I'm sure to himself) he said he realized that the Dr was right. If he REALLY wanted this, he could do it...and ultimately it was UP TO HIM, and only him to do it!!!

WOW!!! What a revelation huh?!! YOU and ONLY YOU are responsible for your actions! This is not to say that you can't ask for help (someone to talk to when the going gets tough, accounts of people who've been there and succeeded, counsel on conquering addictions/bad habits, please don't bring that food in the house; even medical help: patches, pills, surgery), but to stress that if we REALLY want to change a behavior....WE CAN DO IT....and the TRUE CHANGE COMES FROM WITHIN!! It may not be easy, but how many GREAT ACCOMPLISHMENTS are?!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Sweating...It Does a Body Good

So, I just got back from the gym....yea!! I broke a good sweat today walking 4 minutes then jogging 2 minutes for 42 minutes (excluding the 5 minute warm up,  5 minute cool down, and stretching). That's the most I've sweat since my trainer (Hey Alicen) moved out of state!! Hey, I've exercised, just not to the extent of breaking a good sweat, which really should be a top priority when exercising! I have to tell you, IT FELT GREAT!!!! I'm actually looking forward to the next session already. Thank goodness, because I have to get with it; I've got eight and a half weeks before the 5K Run/Walk I entered. I so want to run at least the majority of it. That would be such a rush!!

Speaking of 5Ks, a friend of mine (Hey Tamara), ran one on Saturday. She finished in 27 minutes and 47 seconds!!!! Wow!!! That's exciting!! Geaux Tamara!!! It was so motivating to see her cross that finish line!!! She is so dedicated to exercising (and yes...she sweats!) and eating healthy. I want to be like her when I grow up!

I read an article by Bob Greene (oh, how I love Bob) awhile back where he talked about a client who said she did not sweat....that she could not sweat...that her body just didn't do it.  He told her.....YES IT WILL....if you are working out hard enough...IT WILL. He created a routine for her... and guess what....she DID sweat!! And so do I, and so will you....if we work out hard enough! We should at each exercise session....go for the sweat!!!

I got at little side tracked this week with my blogging....sorry!! When I started the plan was to post every day, if with nothing else, the report of what I did or was going to do that day. Then, after I wrote on a couple of weight loss/get healthy topics,  I got to thinking that people may want to read more of that than just a report on what I do. I began feeling anxious about trying to come up with a stimulating subject every day. Even though there's a lot to say about losing weight/getting healthy, topics you feel inspired to write about don't just come to you every day. I decided that if I didn't feel moved to write on a particular item, that I would not write. After talking to some people who look forward to reading my blog daily, I've decided to do it daily, even if it's just reporting on what I do. Some people, including myself find it motivating to read what other people are doing. Plus, and here's a part I really'll keep me more on track because I certainly want to have more good reports than not so good ones!

Well, I think that's it for today. Until tomorrow......

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Health Scouts; Boy Scout Smart

As I made my breakfast this morning, I realized how nice it was that I had fruit already cut up to use in the preparation. It reminded me of how effortless it was during the week to reach in the fridge and get prepared fruit to snack on. It made it much easier to choose to eat fruit.....just because it was 'ready to go'!! Why would you not choose fruit/veggies just because you would have to take a couple of minutes to cut them up at the time you were going to eat them? I think the biggest reason is 'instant gratification'. I want something, and I want it right now!! Hey, whatever the reason, if cutting up fruit/veggies ahead of time makes you choose them, isn't it worth doing? If you just won't, can't, or don't have time to do this preparation yourself, get a prepared fruit/veggie tray at the store. It costs a little more, but doesn't being unhealthy cost you too?

Another thing that came to mind while using the prepared fruit is the Boy Scout motto; Be prepared. How smart are they?!!!! Don't you think losing weight/getting healthy would be so much easier if we followed the Boy Scouts' advice?

Below is a list of things to 'be prepared' for if you want to boost your weight loss/get healthy efforts:

daily meals/snacks - plan your meals ahead of time, buy the items you need for the meals/snacks you planned for; if there are foods that trigger not include those in your plan, do not buy them (it's much easier to stay away from something when it's not as convenient to get to!)
eating out - plan ahead on what you're going to eat/drink, what you're going to pass on...and STICK TO IT
attending a special function - see 'eating out'
exercise - establish a routine!, have a plan on what exercises (strength training and cardio - you need both) you will do and what days of the week you'll do them, (it's much easier to exercise AND feel like you've accomplished something when you have a plan rather than winging it)
planning - set aside a time daily/weekly to plan (remember the saying...."If you fail to plan; you plan to fail!")
oh...and last but not least...
plan B - no matter how careful we are to plan ahead, there are still times that life just gets in the way of those plans - always have an alternate plan (e.g. if you planned on walking outside, but it's raining....have a plan to pop in a video and follow it, or do jumping jacks, run in place, anything you can do inside that will get your heart rate up); if your eating out plan was foiled because what you planned for wasn't available, plan to make the next best healthy choice...don't just give up and eat anything on the menu)

I hope these tips were helpful and encourage you to make the most of your losing weight/getting healthy efforts!

Happy Scouting, Health Scouts!!!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Taking Time For Success

As we take the lose weight/get healthy journey, one of the main things we have to remember is that lasting change takes time. Any food/exercise plan entered into that guarantees extreme results in a very short period of time may deliver on its promise if followed precisely. What it's also likely to deliver is a high-speed return to where we started, leaving us disappointed and discouraged! Why? Most people cannot maintain the extreme calorie/food group reductions or exceptionally difficult exercise routines many of these plans call for. It's just too hard, and frankly, unrealistc!!

We have a great ability to adapt to change when it comes in measured amounts. Consider how athletes train. They don't go from lifting 20 pounds to 100 pounds, or from running a mile to running a marathon. Instead, they steadily increase the demands on their bodies, giving their bodies a chance to become comfortable with the demands being placed on them. We should use the same approach to losing weight/getting healthy!! Make small changes, get accustomed to those, make more changes, get accustomed to those, and so on, and so on.

Do yourself a favor; follow a practible, livable plan to get healthy, so you can do just that: live with it!!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Step that Step

Good Morning! Happy Hump Day!!

So, it's the middle of the week and if you're one who hasn't started your healthier lifestyle yet, come on, we're waiting for you!! There's no need to wait until tomorrow, or Monday, or the 1st. There's no better time to change your thinking and your actions than right now, right this minute!

Just think about all of the things you'll gain and accomplish by being healthier: energy; confidence; power (yes...power....over food, over laziness, over bad habits, over's yours for the taking!); and last, but not least, let's not forget how FINE you'll be looking!!!!!

The most important step toward becoming healthy (and FINE) is the first step!! Come on; take that step!! Life is waiting!!! 

For those of you who have taken that first step, congratulations!! You're on your way! Keep on steppin'!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Healthy Things I Did Today

Healthy things I did today:
drank water
a Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds video - 30 minutes
ate foods with nutritional value
breakfast - peaches and cream oatmeal with milk, walnuts, wheat germ, and greek yogurt
lunch - smoothie made with mixed fruit, egg whites, slim fast, and as disgusting as this may sound....olive can't taste it in the smoothie
snacks - pretzels, watermelon
supper - tilapia grilled with olive oil, small amount of scalloped potatoes, cherry tomatoes
took supplements 
fish oil, multi-vitamin, calcium

Everything I ate today was absolutely delicious. Most of it was not choices I would make if I were not trying to lose weight. Why that is the case makes no sense, as the food was very tasty and satisfying. I'm looking forward to the day when these types of food are what I choose, not because I'm trying to lose weight, but because it's what I do and how I live and I do it effortlessly!!!

I hope you did some healthy things today!

Here's to making healthy choices tomorrow!!! Are you in?

I humbly accept this award....

Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'
Three years ago these fit so nicely!

Really?! A close up?!

And the award for.....drum roll please....."She's Lost Her Mind"....goes to Janice David!!!!!

As apparent in the above photos, I have gotten around to taking and posting my 'before' pics. I have a couple of side and back views, but didn't post them. I thought....I just want to win the award, I don't want someone coming after me with a straight jacket!!!

So far, the day is going great! I'll post later on this evening on my successes of the day. It's lunch time....gotta go!

Note: The picture in the jeans was enlarged so you can see clearly the zipper area. :-)

Monday, July 9, 2012

So, Day 1 comes to an end. It was a pretty good day! I met the goals of eating nutritiously, and taking my supplements. I could have drank a little more water (will do better tomorrow), and I did not get to exercise today. I say...did not get to....but I guess the truth is I kept LETTING myself get side tracked with other things. I should have TAKEN the time to exercise. It is so very important to weight loss and management. But, let's face it, the key to being successful at weight loss is not being perfect, but being consistent at making good choices. I made good choices today; I was not perfect. I'll make good choices tomorrow that include exercising first thing in the morning before things get in the way (after posting to my blog of course)!

I almost forgot to mention another thing I didn't do today. I DID NOT eat those two bags of Peanut M&Ms that are in my kitchen, and I WILL NOT do that tomorrow either! :-)

Oh, I also didn't get my 'before' pics taken today (geez...what did I do all day?!). That will be added to the 'I'll get to that tomorrow' list. I really hate that I didn't get the pics taken today, because I am going to look so different and so much skinnier tomorrow after having a good day today (don't I wish it worked that way?!)!!!!!!

I did get to take a pic of these cute little glasses I'm using as a visual for my weight loss. This is the motivational tool I mentioned this morning. In the glass labeled 'Pounds to Lose' there are 52 'markers' (glass stones). There are 52 markers because that is how many pounds I'm going to lose. As the numbers drop on the scale, I'll move the same number of markers to the 'Pounds Lost' glass. How cool is that?!!

I've had great responses to the blog and so appreciate everyone's comments and support!!

Good morning! Happy Monday! Okay, maybe it's just happy for me because I'm retired!!!! :-)

So, the starting weight has been recorded. It is......OUCH......196.6!! We won't even get into the percentage of body fat. Thank God for bones; it gives me something besides fat in my body!! GREAT NEWS about my weight!! I'm 4.4 pounds less than my highest weight from five and a half years ago!!!! I've never gotten back to that point! Hey, hey, hey....those of us who struggle with this know what an accomplishment that is!!!!

Anyway, my plan is to lose 52 pounds. I think that's a good number. It'll match the age I am when I get to that point AND it'll put me below 145. Oh how fat I used to think I was at 145! Now it's like, oh yeah...I'm gonna be so fine!!! :-) That's a great thing about getting older. You NEED to weigh more than when you were younger! How's that for a silver lining to aging?!

Today's plan is to do some cardio and strength training at the gym, drink lots of waterstop eating at least two hours before bedtime, eat only nutritous food (if it has no nutritional value, it's a waste of calories and an energy zapper), take the supplements of fish oil (check, already did that), a muti-vitamin, and calcium. Note that on the nutritous food, it DOES NOT mean bland and yucky.....just a good mix of protein, fat (yes, I said fat....we need that! of course the good kind like olive oil and nuts), and carbohydrates.

I will not weigh again for four weeks. That recommendation comes from Bob Greene's Phase One of The Best Life Diet. Oh how I love Bob Greene!!! If you have struggled with weight, I urge you to read Bob's book, appropriately titled....The Best Life Diet. It is so good!! He explains things so well. Even things I already know, he just puts it in another light and makes it sound so sensible....and doable!!

Okay, I gotta get dressed and get to the gym. I'll post 'before' pics and pics of a great 'motivating tool' for weight loss later today.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Okay, so I'm a little (well a lot) challenged when it comes to certain things on the computer, but I'm giving this blogging a shot. Tonight, I'm getting my address set up (it seems I've gotten that far) and thats about it. Tomorrow morning, I'll post things like starting weight (OMG, did I just say I would publish that?! Oh, come on Janice, it's not that big of a deal; people can SEE!), 'before' know....NOW pics (how embarrassing, but necessary to compare to those F-I-N-E 'after' pics to be published in a few months), and my plans for a healthy choices filled day. At the end of the day, I'll report on how well those plans played out.