Sunday, August 5, 2012

Wonder Drug!

Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't posted the last few days. I took a trip to Percy Quin State Park in MS. It was a great, rejuvenating getaway!!

The following (italicized, in blue) is something I read while I was gone in the book Mayo Clinic Fitness for Everybody. I love, love, love this piece!

Imagine that a new wonder drug has been created. It will help prevent illness and disease - including cancer. It will help you lose excess weight - and keep it off. It will slow the aging process, making you look and feel younger than your years. It will give you energy and increase your self-esteem. It will reduce stress, fight depression and anxiety, and put you in a better mood. It will make you stronger and healthier. It will improve your posture, your flexibility, your balance and your endurance. It will even help you sleep better.

Now imagine that this drug doesn't cost a penny and that you can take it several times a day or just once a day and still see results. In fact, you'll start seeing results within two weeks of your first dose.
Sounds pretty appealing, doesn't it? Would you take it?
This mirale drug is available right now - and you can take it starting today. It's called exercise.
Regular, old-fashioned, sweat-inducing exercise is probably the single most important thing you can do to age successfully. Even in moderate amounts, exercise can help you enjoy life and avoid diseases that many people mistakenly believe automatically come with age. It truly is a wonder drug.

I absolutely love this! Can you believe the things that exercise can do for us?! It's amazing!! Makes you wonder why we work so hard to keep from doing it doesn't it?!

I'm going to print the first paragraph and put it in different locations (at my computer, in my car, in my purse; oh how I love that I no longer have to work) to remind me of the benefits received by partaking in daily exercise. The return on investment is absolutely astounding, and unbeatable!!!

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